Preparing for KS1 SATs or KS2 SATs? You’ll find advice from us and our team from preparation plans to revision planners, everything you need to help your child achieve their full potential in the Year 2 and Year 6 tests, as well as the optional SATs tests for Years 3, 4 and 5, is covered by us to help your child boost their confidence.
Supporting our students with an impact to help them succeed.
How we can help:
- Develop your child
- Boost their confidence
- Structure their learning
Build them to practise and revise

SATS will measure:
Your child’s progress
The level your child is working at
Assess their skills and understanding
Our sessions are mapped to the national curriculum and help your child practice topics with our tutors in a small group where quality teaching is our aim to support your child reach their potential.
Regular attendance is very important and regular meetings with parents are held to ensure feedback is given to parents.
We empower our students with lots of confidence and build their progress in a fun environment where we also tackle health and well-being.
To book your child for a free assessment contact our team and book your free slot.